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How to upload your teams logo without a background

Removing a background from your teams logo can be a nightmare if you're not savvy with photoshop. In this guide we'll list our favorite, simplest way for you to remove the background from your teams logo.

Why do you need to remove the background?

Sports Bridge displays your teams logo over the top of your cover image in the search results for parents to see. Here's an example of a teams cover photo, one without a background and one with a background.

Note: A logo (or any image or graphic without a background) is usually referred to as having a transparent background or a transparent image.

Looking at the above images you can see which one has a transparent background and which one doesn't. The one on the right with the white square around it still has its background, the one on the left has no background and looks a little more pleasing to the eye.

How to remove the background

So now you know what a transparent background is and why it's important, let jump into how to remove the background if you'd know how to use photoshop.

Our favorite tool is an online platform called. removebg.

Navigate to removebg using this link. All you need to do is click the remove background button and select your teams logo from your computer.

And that's it, removebg will do all the heavy lifting for you and remove the background. This process will work 99% of the time and it takes 1 minutes and just a few clicks.

Now all you need to do is click that download button, save your new image to your computer and continue creating your team with your new transparent team logo.

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