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How To Remove a Team

Changing teams, is something that happens as a coach, so it's natural you' want to be able to remove a team if that happens. Removing a team is very easy in the Sports Bridge dashboard.

In our example we are going to be removing our FC Flamingos team.

On our team cards there are two buttons for us to interact with, an edit team button represented by the pencil icon and a delete button represented by a trash can icon.

As we want to delete our FC Flamingos team, let's go ahead and click the trash can item.

Coaches put a lot of time and effort into crafting the perfect team listing, as a precaution Sports Bridge has a popup that asks if you're sure you want to continue with deleting your team, just incase you click the delete button by accident.

As we did mean to delete this team we can click ok, and our team will be removed from our account.

And now you've successfully deleted a team in Sports Bridge.

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